Sunday, October 18, 2009

To Grandma 10/5

Dear Grandma Hill,

Thank you so much for sending me an e-mail. I was so glad to see that I had received and email from my grandmother. I am so glad you were able to figure out how to get it to work and it is so dear to me that you kept trying!
Thank you for your support. Some days are really hard to think if we have had any success but you are right, there are people we influence that we may never even hear or know about.
It is sad to know the carpet is changing in the cabin. Maybe one day I will be able to tell my kids some great stories about the shag carpet and low roofed shower. The cabin is a really amazing place. It will always have a sacred place in my memories. I have many memories of times spent there with family and friends and especially memories of the times spent there with those who have now passed on(Matt). It has really blessed me and my family. I don't have much time to write today but thanks for writing me and I love you Grandma.
Elder Hill

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