Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Letter 10/26

Dear Mom,

Last week I wrote one of the best letters I've ever written and I wasn't watching the time and it ran out and shut off. Usually it doesn't shut off you just have to pay more but whatever.
I always stress about everything I write.....I think I know how to just write as it comes to me now.
I just came from a barbecue. All of the Guadeloupe missionaries were there and it was really cool.
This transfer was really good with Elder Krause. We worked so hard to get people to church. I walked enough kilometers to go halfway across the states. Elder Krause makes things fun. This one day it was a billion degrees so we went to this chinese shop and bought some cheap umbrellas and we were walking on the big boulevard by the ocean and everytime we saw people Elder Krause would tip up his umbrella and say 'hip hip cheerio' and people were laughing at us. It really was a good transfer for me.
I have my next transfer and I am going to Cappesterre and I will be with Elder West who is from England! He is really buff and he has a broken hand at the moment. That's all I know about him.
Thanks for sending a package! There is a cd I wanted you to look for it's called 'primary worship' maybe for Christmas or something.
That's sweet that Max kicked butts at football. I wish I could be there to cheer him on. I don't think he got the email so I will paste it at the bottom of this one.
That's crazy that dad got the swine flu. I prayed a lot for him to get better. I'm trying to get my night schedule down perfectly so that I can do thirty minute prayers. I read a cool story about Joseph Smith where he prayed almost all night before a general conference.... it made me want to do more sincere and longer prayers.
Things are going great here. I'm absolutely digg'in it. I had a dream that I was in a car and Elder Lish(my MTC companion) was in there too and I just kept saying "this sucks that its over" and it kind of scared me...now I'm realizing how fast this is going to fly by.
I'm so proud of you Brockly man! That's so sweet you got that award. All that matters is that you have fun at the games and with your team! I miss you too man!
Bye family, bye mom love you!

-elder hill

Fuiiiiiii ahakapunaaaa
Hows it going max?! Are you on the Oak Canyon team or the Timpanogos one. I remember when I played football in eighth grade at Oak Canyon and my team made it to the championship. The team we played had way huge guys. I remember we were all crying when we lost. I hope you do good though man. I'm root'in for ya! What number are you?
Read and study the Book of Mormon right now. Just try and read some everyday even if it's just one verse. You have to really know for yourself if its true. Lots of people will tell us that we shouldn't even have a religion or believe in God and it was way hard at first. I've been studying the Book of Mormon so much and praying so hard to know if it is true and now I do know again that it is true. Do all you can to live the things that you learn from the Book of Mormon and you will have great faith. I love you max. Keep doing good and working hard.

-elder hill

Sunday, October 18, 2009

To Grandma 10/5

Dear Grandma Hill,

Thank you so much for sending me an e-mail. I was so glad to see that I had received and email from my grandmother. I am so glad you were able to figure out how to get it to work and it is so dear to me that you kept trying!
Thank you for your support. Some days are really hard to think if we have had any success but you are right, there are people we influence that we may never even hear or know about.
It is sad to know the carpet is changing in the cabin. Maybe one day I will be able to tell my kids some great stories about the shag carpet and low roofed shower. The cabin is a really amazing place. It will always have a sacred place in my memories. I have many memories of times spent there with family and friends and especially memories of the times spent there with those who have now passed on(Matt). It has really blessed me and my family. I don't have much time to write today but thanks for writing me and I love you Grandma.
Elder Hill